A Journey from Good to GreatA Journey from Good to GreatA Journey from Good to Great
Spring 2009 IssueFall 2009Winter 2010 Issue
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The power of two

The return on investment for each of the technologies should not be assessed alike, cautions Dr. Touchstone. With CEREC, the analysis is based on speed of restoration, offset of dental lab bills, lab referrals to the practice, enhancement of patient experience and elimination of a second visit. With Galileos, the return is in higher patient satisfaction, more effective diagnoses, more consistent treatment plans and higher plan acceptance.

Doctors who invest in both technologies benefit from Sirona’s new software, Sirona Implant, which unites the two by importing a CEREC digital impression into Galileos software to combine the data for precision implant planning. “The two together are greater than the sum of their parts,” Dr. Touchstone said.

“We now have the potential, down the road, to create digital smile designs, do virtual diagnostic mountings, eliminate wax-ups, create a series of veneers, push a button and they all mill out,” Dr. Touchstone said. “These aren’t in the marketplace, but the platforms are there. We have it. Now ask what we can do with it.”