A Practice ReinvigoratedA Practice ReinvigoratedA Practice Reinvigorated
Spring 2013 IssueFall 2013Winter 2014 Issue
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In the operatories, they selected A–dec 500 chairs, traditional delivery systems and 12 O’Clock assistant’s instrumentation. Everyone in the office appreciates how simple and comfortable procedures are with the new operatory equipment. “The setup is just perfect,” Kozlowski said. But it’s not just the dental team who enjoys the chairs — the patients love them, too. “I have one patient who wants to buy an A–dec chair for his house,” she said.
Kozlowski and Brielmann researched multiple sterilization centers, but none came close to the quality of the A–dec Preference ICC. “The steri system is magnificent: totally hands free, foot activated,” Brielmann said. “The assistants love it and the patients love that everything is so clean and carefully sterilized.”



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Raising the bar with technology
Technology plays an important role in helping Kozlowski provide her patients with an exceptional experience during every visit. Eaglesoft practice management software integrates seamlessly with the doctor’s Schick sensors and intraoral camera. Together, these tools allow Kozlowski to create comprehensive treatment plans that help patients better understand their oral conditions and treatment recommendations. Kozlowski typically schedules a separate, private meeting for patients to review their treatment plans. This allows the patient ample time to ask questions and create a blueprint for their oral health. “The patients love it and they’ve never had that kind of experience anywhere else,” Brielmann said.
When patients must be referred out of the office for special procedures, there’s no need to mail X–rays to the specialist and wait days for a response. With just a few clicks in Eaglesoft, Kozlowski can instantly email the photos and X–rays to the other doctor. This has also helped streamline communication with dental labs. “It’s so much more efficient than it used to be,” Kozlowski said. “It’s great for the patient long–term.”
Additionally, CAESY Patient Education Systems is an important tool to help explain complex procedures and treatment recommendations. “There’s nothing as impactful as a full–color animated presentation that incorporates a patient’s own X–rays,” Kozlowski said.
If there are any issues or they have questions about their technology or equipment, Kozlowski and Brielmann know that Patterson will be there to help resolve them quickly. “The support is outstanding,” Brielmann said. “We use Patterson support every day. In the first year that is invaluable — you couldn’t survive if you didn’t have that level of support.”
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A Reason for Smiles

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