A Journey from Good to GreatA Journey from Good to GreatA Journey from Good to Great
Spring 2009 IssueFall 2009Winter 2010 Issue
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The doctors’ shared passion for education shines through in every aspect of their practice. Their large learning area – complete with a projector, a podium and several chairs – allows for patient seminars on wide-ranging topics, from dentistry and chiropractics to looking 10 years younger with an aesthetician. They also regularly invite doctors to their practice for study clubs and hope to create a CEREC Study Club in the future. Their oversized operatory allows for several doctors to view over-the-shoulder presentations and ceiling-mounted monitors allow patients to view patient education videos and X-rays.

The Las Vegas Branch already has brought doctors in for tours of the practice and plans to co-host educational events with the doctors in the future. “Their practice is set up for dental education, which is great for them and us,” said Las Vegas Branch Manager Tracey Yates.

The silver lining in a down economy



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Though the doctors built their practice during a challenging economy, they are confident their new investment was the best decision for them. Since they opened their doors in March 2009, they’ve experienced a profit every month. “Our profession gives you the opportunity, even in this economic climate today, to find success,” said Bryson.

The doctors have even found a silver lining in building a new practice during a challenging economy: “We couldn’t have gotten our office done so quickly,” said Dr. Bryson. “We were able to get it done faster than we normally could have. Marketing costs are down. You always have to look for the positives and not the negatives.”

The doctors are thrilled with all of the support they’ve received from Wardle and their Patterson Sales Representative Drew Anderson, as well as the rest of their Patterson team. “Howard went above and beyond his role. He was a part of everything and we are so thrilled with him,” said Margio. “And Drew spent hours at our house making sure everything was perfect. We have a truly great working relationship with Patterson. We wouldn’t dream of working with anyone else.”

Though the doctors had considered semi-retirement before they built their new practice, that isn’t even a thought in their minds now. “We’re enjoying our practice so much,” said Margio. “We don’t even think about retirement now! We can’t believe how fast our days are going because we really enjoy being here. We’ve gotten a second passion for dentistry.”
Even better the second time around

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From left to right: Jon Sly, Service Technician; Troy Takemoto, Service Technician; Cody Ricci, Service Technician; Pil Weir, Designer/Draftsperson; Gina Restivo, CEREC Specialist; Dr. Toni Margio, Dr. Randy Bryson, Drew Anderson, Sales Representative; Tracey Yates, Branch Manager; Howard Wardle, Equipment Specialist.