Miles of SmilesMiles of SmilesMiles of Smiles
Winter 2016 IssueSpring 2016Fall 2016 Issue
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“We have developed a no-blame company culture that empowers employees to speak up if they’re encountering a process or part that isn’t optimized for achieving the product quality we demand. We gather feedback from employees across the organization to discover ways to improve efficiency and allow for the highest quality of workmanship,” said Foster. “Essentially, we’re always trying to outdo ourselves and be better,” added Zodtner.
Pelton & Crane’s dedication to workmanship and innovation doesn’t stop with the design of its core equipment. These values are highly important when designing a solution for dentists. “We know that every customer is different, which is why we’re proud to provide innovative solutions across the price and feature spectrum. Our sales team works hard to understand what unique needs each practice has and then find solutions that will fit those needs,” said Zodtner. “The Pelton & Crane territory sales managers and Patterson equipment specialists work closely together and focus on every detail of an office to provide the best solutions possible. At the end of the day, our teams really care about improving the dental team’s quality of life so that they can go home after work and do the things they love without being in pain,” added Foster.
Don’t wait for those minor aches and pains to show up before taking action. Talk to your Patterson representative today to learn more about how Pelton & Crane can help you create a more ergonomic practice.



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Pelton & Crane is dedicated to creating products that afford dental professionals a more comfortable work environment. Take the Spirit 3300 Series dental chairs as an example. These chairs are not only very comfortable for patients, they’re incredibly ergonomically efficient for the dental professionals who have to work around the chair during the day. “When we design equipment, we have every member of the dental team in mind. Having a narrow back chair allows the dental team to sit close enough to the patient to get good physical and visual access to the oral cavity without having to sacrifice posture,” said Foster.
The Spirit 3300 dental chair can reach a lower minimum height, enabling practitioners of various statures flexibility when positioning patients. Plus, the narrow back of the chair is only 11.5 inches across, providing maximum access to the oral cavity during procedures.
“Good ergonomics allows you to have an improved quality of life today and enjoy life outside of work.”