Old Trade New TricksOld Trade New TricksOld Trade New Tricks
Spring 2012 IssueFall 2012Winter 2013 Issue
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The Omnicam uses ColorStreaming, which provides photorealistic 2D and 3D clinical images that are displayed in full color. All Dr. Lee had to do was capture the working field by placing the Omnicam in the mouth, much like an intraoral camera. The models are formed in a manner that cannot be distorted, so no errors would be introduced as long as there was sufficient soft tissue retraction and hemostasis. The lower arch was captured along with the Buccal Bite and the models were articulated together utilizing the CEREC 4.0 software



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The next step in the process was to use the software to delineate the margins. The high contrast and resolution of the models allows proper margin placement automatically. Color feed from the video allows the practitioner to discern soft tissue from tooth structure. A green-color cord further aids in the process, because the models are photorealistic.
After my wife captured the optical impressions, our trusted team member, Grace Turano, took over the design process. Once the Biogeneric proposal was rendered, automatically making contacts with adjacent teeth and creating proper occlusal stops, the restoration was visualized in the proper place within the arch form.
Tools of the Trade
Years ago with CEREC, we were pleased to get a proposal that would enable the clinician to design the restoration. Today, this is done automatically. If the clinician wants to fine-tune the restoration, there are many design tools that can easily address those issues.
The first tool we recommend using is the position tool. A tool wheel appears on the screen when the right-click button is activated, and the position feature is activated. A transparent block is displayed over the crown and the restoration then can be intuitively positioned in the desired location.