Old Trade New TricksOld Trade New TricksOld Trade New Tricks
Spring 2012 IssueFall 2012Winter 2013 Issue
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The rotate tool is activated, where the crown can be tilted on three different axes. The shape tool, a favorite of many users, allows the adjustment for selected regions where one has complete control over emergence profiles and contours.
Once the design process is complete, which generally takes only a few minutes, a final check in the arch form is made and the restoration is milled in eight minutes. The crown is then stained, glazed and crystallized in an oven in less than 13 minutes and is prepared for delivery.



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The best business approach is for the clinician to image the final preparation, delegate the remainder of the process to a trained team member, and then return for crown delivery with the appropriate bonding steps. A final X-ray should be taken to verify clean and sealed margins.
First Case Complete!
As soon as the post-op X-ray was taken, Dr. Lee texted me a picture to confirm that she was able to utilize the CEREC AC with Omnicam efficiently and effectively. This was overwhelming proof to me that Sirona has dramatically slashed the learning curve to the point where an inexperienced user can apply the traditional skill sets from established dentistry onto the digital platform, without much effort or intimidation by new digital technology.
For more information on the CEREC AC with Omnicam, visit CERECdoctors.com/omni, CEREConline.com and Sirona.com.
Dr. Armen Mirzayan is the co-founder of CERECdoctors.com and a CAD/CAM faculty member at the prestigious Scottsdale Center for Dentistry. A graduate of Northwestern University Dental School and the Las Vegas Institute of Advanced Dental Studies, he was the restorative director of the Advanced Education in General Dentistry Sedation Program at the University of Southern California. Dr. Mirzayan has served as a basic and advanced trainer for Sirona and Patterson Dental for over five years. He is in private practice in Los Angeles, Calif., and is also the team dentist/consultant for the Los Angeles Dodgers.